Export ERs / Advances Screen

Use the Export ERs / Advances screen to export expense reports and advances to staging tables.

Whether an expense report is exported when approved, or when approved and receipts received, depends on the expense report type.

The expense report and advance transactions remain in these staging tables for pickup, or the export application may call a Transformer that will transform the table entries into a specific ASCII layout. For more details, see Export Transformer.

Attention: You can also review the "Import and Export Data" chapter in the Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for more information.


To display the Export ERs/Advances screen, complete the following step:

Click Time & Expense > Expense > Expense Interfaces > Export ERs/Advances.



Field Description
Costpoint Company

If the Costpoint Multicompany check box is selected in the General Configuration screen, this field is displayed. Because Costpoint can receive expense reports or advances only for one company at a time, use this drop-down list to select the Costpoint company to which you want to export.

Batch ID

Enter up to 10 characters for a unique export batch identifier. If the batch ID has already been used, the system displays an error message.

Batch ID is a required field. If you do not supply an ID, the system displays an error message.

Note: If the export is transformed to an ASCII file, the Batch ID will be part of the name of the file. See Export Transformer for further information.
Expense Reports

Select the Expense Reports check box if you are exporting expense reports.


Select the Advances check box if you are exporting advances.

Expense Report Options

Field Description
Start Date

Enter the start date for which you want to select expense reports. The application compares this date to the expense report date. An expense report dated on or after this date will be selected for export if it matches the other criteria. This field is optional. If you leave this field blank, the export process will select expense reports using other criteria.

End Date

Enter the end date for which you want to select expense reports. The application compares this date to the expense report date. An expense report dated on or before this date will be selected for export if it matches the other criteria. This field is optional and defaults to current date.

Note: If you want to clear the End Date, click and then click the Clear button.

Use the Includedrop-down list to select whether you are exporting regular expense reports, expense reports that have been corrected, or both types of expense reports.

When you export correcting expense reports, Deltek Expense exports the expense reports that contain the new changes, including any expense amounts payable to the employee, as well as a correcting report, which backs out the information contained in the original expense report.

For example, an expense report is processed for $500.00, and the employee later submits a correcting expense report for $600.00. Upon export, the corrected expense report generates a $600.00 voucher, but the Corrections table generates a voucher for -500.00, backing out the original expense amount. The employee then receives the difference between the two vouchers, or in this case $100.00.

To learn more about the Correct Expense reports feature, see Special Topic: Correcting Expense Reports.


Select the group type description from the drop-down list. The available employee group types are those that you supervise. If employees in an Employee Group do not have any expense reports ready to export, that group is not listed. If one employee has even one expense report that is ready for export, that Employee Group is available. The list is displayed in alphabetical order.

Once you have selected the Type, the non-editable text box displays the groups that contain expense reports that can be exported for the selected group type. The groups are listed in alphabetical order.

Select the group(s) that you wish to include in the export or click Select Allto select all groups. You can select multiple groups. If you do not select a group, the system displays an error message.


This non-editable text box displays the expense classes that have employees with expense reports that can be exported. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Select the class(es) that you wish to include in the export or click Select Allto select all classes. You can select multiple classes. If you do not select a class, the system displays an error message.

Expense Report Types

This non-editable text box displays the classes that contain expense reports of the type that can be exported. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Select the expense report type(s) that you wish to include in the export or click Select Allto select all expense report types. You can select multiple expense report types. If you do not select an expense report type, the system displays an error message.

Advance Options

Field Description
Start Date

Enter the start date for which you want to select advances. The application compares this date to the advance date. An advance dated on or after this date will be selected for export if it matches the other criteria. This field is optional. If you leave this field blank, the export process will select advances using other criteria.

End Date

Enter the end date for which you want to select advances. The application compares this date to the advance date. An advance dated on or before this date will be selected for export if it matches the other criteria. This field is optional and defaults to current date.

Note: If you want to clear the End Date, click and then click the Clear button.

Select the group type description from the drop-down list. The available employee group types are those that you supervise. If employees in an Employee Group do not have any advances ready to export, that group is not listed. If one employee has even one advance that is ready for export, that Employee Group is available. The list is displayed in alphabetical order.

Once you have selected the Type, the non-editable text box displays the groups that contain advances that can be exported for the selected group type. The groups are listed in alphabetical order.

Select the group(s) that you want included in the export or click Select All to select all groups. You can select multiple groups. If you do not select a group, Deltek Expense displays an error message.


This non-editable text box displays the expense classes that have employees with advances that can be exported. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Select the class(es) that you wish to include in the export or click Select All to select all classes. You can select multiple classes. If you do not select a class, Deltek Expense displays an error message.

Expense Report Types

This non-editable text box displays the classes that contain advances of the type that can be exported. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Select the advance(s) you want included in the export or click Select All to select all expense report types. You can select multiple expense report types. If you do not select an expense report type, Deltek Expense displays an error message.

Screen Buttons

Field Description

Click Process to start collecting the expense report and/or advance data that will be exported when you click Export. To print and preview the data, click Preview/Print.

Note: Advances are included only from expense authorizations that have a status of Approved, and do not have a status of Processed.

You can process 10 expense report and/or advance exports at the same time. If more than 10 users attempt to run the export expense report process, Deltek Expense displays an error message.

Before beginning, Deltek Expense marks expense reports and advances that meet the selection criteria as unavailable so that they cannot be changed while the process is executing. If no expense reports or advances are found that meet the criteria, Deltek Expense displays a message indicating that no expense reports or advances were found to process.

For expense report or advance records to meet the selection criteria for processing, the following conditions must be met:

  • It must meet the export criteria for expense report types Approved or Approved and Receipts.
  • It must fall within start and end date range.
  • The employee must be a member of the selected class.
  • The employee must be a member of selected group.
  • The type for the expense report or advance must be one of the selected types.
  • It must be available, that is, it cannot be part of an already running export process.
  • If you use Costpoint Multicompany, the employee for that expense report or advance must have been assigned to the appropriate Costpoint company when the expense report or advance was created.

    If the export process completes normally, the system displays a message indicating that the process completed successfully.

Note: If a batch in the process stage is aborted, it will be rolled back automatically.

Click Preview/Print to display the Print dialog box, where you can select the export report(s) that you wish to review.


Click Export to update the appropriate staging tables with the information collected when you clicked Process. The Export button is disabled until that process has run.

You can run 10 exports at the same time. If more than 10 users attempt to export expense reports, the system displays an error message.

In addition to writing records to the staging tables, the system performs the following updates:

  • Expense export or advance status is changed to Processed.
  • Expense report or advance is marked as being available.

    If the export process, including the transformation step, finishes normally, the system displays a message indicating that export completed successfully.


Click Close to close the screen. If you have run the Process step but not the Export step, the information collected during the Process step will be cleared. If the clearing completes normally, Deltek Expense displays a message indicating that rollback completed successfully.